Training and Resources for Web Accessibility
Fast Track to Accessibility for Web Developers, Part 2: Advanced Techniques
This engaging video-centric course is perfect for the web developer who develops custom and dynamic interface elements or uses JavaScript frameworks.
Fast Track to Accessibility for Web Developers, Part 1: Core Techniques
This 77-minute engaging video-centric course is a perfect introduction for web developers who are just getting started with accessibility.
Angular Accessibility
Learn about accessibility for the Angular framework.
Accessible Web Development
This curriculum explores digital accessibility concepts and their application in the development and testing of web sites and web applications. Contains 11 BuckeyeLearn Modules.
Accessible Web and Digital Design
This curriculum explores digital accessibility concepts and their application in designing web sites and web applications. Contains 4 BuckeyeLearn Modules.
Authoring Accessible Web Content
This curriculum explores digital accessibility concepts with a focus on how to craft accessible content for the web. Contains 2 BuckeyeLearn Modules.
W3C Web Accessibility Alt Text Decision Tree
A guide on how to use the alt attribute of the <img> element in various situations.
Type:Web Accessibility: Visual Design and Colors
Learn about visual accessibility techniques for people with vision limitations.
Web Accessibility: Semantic Structure and Navigation
Learn about the importance of HTML elements and attributes to convey information to blind users.
Web Accessibility: Semantic Structure and Navigation Checklist
Web Accessibility: Responsive Design and Zoom
Learn about the importance of creating designs that adapt to small screens and zoom features.
Web Accessibility: Images, SVG, and Canvas
Learn how to write meaningful alternative text that serves as an effective substitute for an image.
Web Accessibility: Form Labels, Instructions, and Validation
Learn about form input labels, instructions, hints, error prevention, and validation.
Web Accessibility: Form Labels, Instructions, and Validation Checklist
Web Accessibility: Dynamic Updates, AJAX, and Single-Page Apps
Learn about use cases of timed events, AJAX methods, and single-page applications,
Web Accessibility: Device-Independent User Input Methods
Learn the rules and techniques to ensure users can access content no matter what input device they use.
Web Accessibility: Custom JavaScript/ARIA Widgets
Learn about creating custom widgets with ARIA (accessible rich internet applications) methods.
Basic Web and Document Accessibility for Content Contributors
Learn about accessibility considerations for people who contribute content and documents to web sites.